

How To Surf The Web Anonymously Using Tor Browser

How To Surf The Web Anonymously Using Tor Browser How To Surf The Web Anonymously Using Tor Browser

How To Surf The Web Anonymously Using Tor Browser

Tor browser is a free browser that can be downloaded at https://www.torproject.org It is commonly used by hackers, due to the anonymity feature of Tor Browser. One of the well known Global hacker group is Anonymous are also using the service of Tor Browser while Doing their hacking operation. The encryption method used by Tor Network is very strong, even NSA (National Security Agency) cannot crack it. 

Tor Browser Is the best browser that you need to access the Deep Web, through the Tor Network. You can find the 96% content that cannot be indexed by normal search engines in the Deep Web.

What is Tor Project
Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against traffic analysis, a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security.

Why Anonymity Matters

Tor protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, and it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location.

How TOR Network Works
When Kim visits a website via the TOR network her traffic takes a  random path through other people’s computers to get to the website. This means the website doesn’t know who she is and the ISP doesn’t know what she’s visiting.
How To Surf The Web Anonymously Using Tor Browser How To Surf The Web Anonymously Using Tor Browser

How To Install Tor Browser
Step 1: You need to download first the Tor Browser
Step 2: Open "torbrowser-install-4.5.1_en-US"
Step 3: Click the Ok button
Step 4: Choose Install Location
Step 5: Click Install button

After the successful installation of Tor Browser in your computer. Find where you install it. The name of the folder is (Tor Browser). open that folder and you will see one folder named "Browser" and the second shortcut to Tor Browser named "Start Tor Browser" Open that to start browsing the web anonymously.

My IP Address In Tor Browser
My IP Address is really encrypted look at the image below, it says that I'm in Romania, but I'm here in Philippines. Try to locate your location by using this website (ipaddress.com)
How To Surf The Web Anonymously Using Tor Browser How To Surf The Web Anonymously Using Tor Browser

Tor Browser really gave you an anonymous connection while surfing the internet, While using tor Browser you can avoid of being track by hackers, government, or even your wife/husband Lol.

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