

5 Reasons Why You Should Start Blogging

 now in the internet and every blog has many different interesting and informative topics 5 Reasons Why You Should Start Blogging

5 Reasons Why You Should Start Blogging

There are many blogs now in the internet and every blog has many different interesting and informative topics. Did you already ask yourself why they are investing their time in blogging? Wasting their time just to help you to learn something? If not read below the reasons of why people start bloggingwhy you should start blogging, and what is the benefits of making a blog

1. The first reason why you should start blogging is because of money, yes dude its all about money. Many successful bloggers today are earning dollars from $200 to $2000 every month. This is also my first reason why i make this blog, I also want to earn money to support my study in college. You can also earn money in blogging when you decrease the time of using the social sites, and you start your own blog and increase the times to posts topics in your blog instead of posting your status on Facebook  Once you build a quality blog you can earn enough money to live in this world. Or earn money from blogging to support your wants. 

2. The second reason why you should start blogging is to express yourself, around the globe. You can express your creativity, idea ,knowledge and skills in blogging. I make this blog to express myself to the world that I have knowledge and capabilities to help others. 

3. The third reason why you should start blogging is learning, this is my personal experience. If you start blogging inch by inch you can learn something on how stuffs works. Like the basic of coding, designing, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). I also learned how the ad networks works like Google Adsense.

4. The fourth reason why you start blogging is to enhance your grammar and writing skills. Since I start my blog in 2014 my grammar and writing skills are now better than yesterday. Before i can't even write a post like this. I am not very good in English language because I study in Public School. Making a blog and posting posts help me a lot, now I'm using my writing skills in My College Degree. When there is an Essay quiz I can answer it faster than before

5. The fifth reason why I start blogging is to help others like you. I just want to help other people by providing quality tutorials, tricks, techniques that really works. I also posts useful stuffs to entertain the visitors of this Blog.

Conclusion: Those reasons are only my opinion, but it is the reality of blogging. If you start blogging you need to invest time and patiently wait until it becomes money.


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